Due to Juntos Wisconsin’s new implementation process, data is yet not available. Please enjoy this research from Juntos origin state of North Carolina.
Juntos means “Together” in Spanish. Juntos’ mission is to empower Latino 8th-12th grade students and their parents to gain knowledge, skills, and resources to promote high school graduation and make going to college possible. There are four components to the Juntos program:
- Family engagement which includes a five-week middle school or six-week high school Juntos family workshop series followed by bi-monthly family nights to increase parent involvement and school communication
- Monthly one-on-one success coaching by a local Juntos site coordinator to help students with their academic progress
- After-school Juntos 4-H club meetings and activities twice a month throughout the school year
- Summer Academy (including a week-long summer college experience, full-day college family events, soccer tournaments, and other educational events.
In the 2017-2018 school year Juntos partnered with 6 counties to implement the program with a total of 361 students participating. However, only 5 counties fully implemented the program, 267 students participated in these counties. This school year 361 students attended the 4-H clubs that focused on public speaking, community service, and CFNC cirriculum. Juntos provided over 58 family workshops and activities, with an average of 14 families attending each event. We also gave students one-on-one coaching focused on academic achievement and goal setting, for a total of 1,109 hours. 55 Juntos students were able to attend NC State University’s Summer Academy where they got to experience college and learn more about applying to and being successful in college.
2017-2018 Milestones for Fully Implementing Programs
- 95% of students reported that Juntos 4-H is a place they feel they belong
- 80% or more Juntos 4-H students reported that their parents better understand the school system and feel more comfortable attending events.
- 84% of Juntos 4-H students are confident they will graduate from high school
- 100% of Juntos 4-H high school seniors graduated
- 45% Juntos 4-H students have GPAs above 3.5 (based on available transcript data).
Wake County Students’ Academic Success:
- 97% of students are confident about pursuing higher education
- 98% of students feel that they have what it takes to graduate from college
- With the support of a professor from NCSU College of Education, Juntos students published their first book “The Roots of Our People: From One World to Another”
Wake County Partners:
- The School of Social Work at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill provided an intern to coordinate meetings and support Success Coaching.
- Town of Garner’s Parks and Recreation Department provided service-learning opportunities for Juntos students throughout the year.
- NCSU provided work-study college students to support with programming
- Wake County Extension sponsored Juntos family nights and provided organizational mentorship to site coordinator.
2018 Wake County – 2 Page Report
Hobbton Students’ Academic Progress:
- 96% of Juntos students were promoted to the next grade level
- 26% of students enrolled in Honors classes and 2 students were accepted into early college.
- Hobbton’s rigorous success coaching led to
- 14 students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher
- 9 students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher
Hobbton Juntos Partners
- Sampson County Cooperative Extension provided transportation and assistance during family nights and club meetings
- Hobbton Middle and High School Juntos families are finding ways to contribute to the program, ranging from small donations to providing meals for family nights.
2018 Sampson County – 2 Page Report
Pender Students’ Academic Progress:
- 70% of students enrolled in honors or AP classes
- Success coaching has helped 43% of students reach a GPA of 3.5 or higher
- 50% of students were accepted into competitive summer programs at NC State, UNCG, UNCW, and George Washington University
Staff and School’s Personnel Commitment:
- Pender’s Juntos Coordinator’s is committed to monthly success coaching sessions to track academic progress
- Juntos seniors were able to complete financial aid applications with the support provided by Pender High School’s Advisor.
Pender Partners:
- Pender High School’s principal funds a UNCW college visit per year for Juntos students
- Centro Hispano and MI CASA at UNCW provided transportation to events and student volunteers to support programming
- Sherwin Williams Painting Company(2018) provided volunteers and all materials for a community service project that involved painting Pender High School.
2018 Pender County – 2 Page Report
Catawba Students’ Academic Progress:
- 75% of students enrolled in Advanced Programs
- 43% of students enrolled in College Prep Courses
- 33% of students enrolled in Honors classes
- 75% of high school seniors planned on pursuing higher education
- 41% received scholarships for college
Catawba Partners:
- Catawba County Commissioners provided bridge funding to support programming for the 2018-2019 school year.
- United Way selected Catawba Juntos for a small reward to support programming in school year 2018-2019.
- Catawba County Cooperative Extension extends our staff’s capacity by running errands, providing transportation, researching funding opportunities, and successfully leading efforts that lead to bridge funding and United Way award.
2018 Catawba County – 2 Page Report
Wayne Students Academic Progress:
- 47% of students feel comfortable communicating with their teachers and school staff
- 54% of students are taking honors classes
- Juntos students lead 6 service learning projects that connected them to their community
Wayne Community:
- A partnership with Community and Rural Development NC State Extension, allowed for a Farmworker Health and Safety Educator to support Juntos 4-H Club and Family Nights.
- Local Colleges and Universities provided volunteers and an array of resources