The Extension Vaping Work Group partnered with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and the Applied Population Lab to analyze Wisconsin Youth Risk Behavior Survey data from 260,000 high school students and 188,000 middle school students across the state. The survey shows that males and females use vaping devices nearly the same. American Indian and Hispanic youth were among the students reported the highest rates of vaping.

Sixty minutes makes a difference in the lives of teenagers! High school students who participated in as little as one hour of extracurricular activities, like Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development programs, were less likely to vape than their peers.
The vaping trends of middle and high school students in Wisconsin show that risky behaviors are often connected. Teenagers that drink alcohol or use drugs are more likely to vape than their peers. Students reported that they most often get nicotine products from someone they know. At UW-Madison Division of Extension, youth development and health educators are partnering to bring you resources that can help make a difference locally. Check out additional vaping resources on the Behavioral Health website.
Wisconsin Youth Risk Behavior Survey data illustrated students who experienced high levels of anxiety, depression or self-harm were significantly more likely to vape than their peers. Extension is always here to help. For more information and educational resources on youth mental health or vaping visit the Health & Well Being Institute’s Behavioral Health page.